Should you, or should you not have a Honey Fund.

A honey fund is essentially a way for wedding guests to contribute money to your honeymoon. As couples are becoming more ‘nontraditional’ by living together before marriage, there may be less of a need for physical products on your registry. This is where the idea of a honey fund came in.

We chose the wedding website ‘ZOLA’. It was very easy to create our personalized honey fund, and they also offered an online RSVP option, so that when guests logged on to RSVP they could easily find access to our honey fund. We customized our honey fund with photos and details of activities for guests to choose from, based on what they would like to gift towards. We were honestly surprised how many guests loved the idea of a honey fund and wished to contribute towards it!

Lastly, if a honeymoon isn’t for you, you can create other funds. Your fund can reflect your goal of buying a home together, home improvements, adopting a dog or child, etc. It can be anything that you as a couple are passionate about! If you need an example, visit our wedding registry website here. There is a small processing fee for each honey fund transaction, but we did not have one guest complain about the fee!

Stay Fearless,

Michelle Foster